Matthew 28

As it began to dawn; that is, as it was growing light, for Mark says that it was about sunrise;—unless, in fact, there were two several parties to the sepulchre, as has sometimes been supposed. There were several others besides the two named here, who visited the sepulchre. (Luke 24:10.) They went to anoint the body. They had never understood the predictions which the Savior had uttered respecting his resurrection.

There was; that is, there was before they came; for the other evangelists say that they found the stone rolled away.

The keepers; the watch mentioned 27:66.

The Lord. This form of expression seems to imply that the angels recognized Jesus as their Lord, as well as the Lord of the disciples.

There is a very remarkable diversity in the accounts given by the several evangelists of the circumstances attending the announcement to the disciples if the Savior's resurrection—a diversity extremely perplexing to those who cannot trust the sacred writers any further than they can scrutinize and prove their testimony. (Compare Matt. 28:1, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18.) Many ingenious attempts have been made to harmonize these accounts, and to combine them, by means of conjectural emendations and additions, into one self-consistent narrative. The results, however, afford the mind but little satisfaction. Unbelief does not feel itself answered by them, and is not silenced; and faith, having other ground to rest upon, which is of the most solid character, prefers, in regard to such difficulties, to wait for future and complete solutions, rather than to rely upon explanations that are, after all, forced and unsatisfactory. See note on John 20:18.

The governors; Pilate's.

Into Galilee. Jesus had several other interviews with his disciples, both in Galilee and in the vicinity of Jerusalem, as is related by the other evangelists.—Into a mountain; into a secluded place among the mountains.

Some doubted. Thomas was one who doubted. He was uncertain whether it was really Jesus in bodily presence, or an apparition.

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